Who We Are
The Paymant Story
 Here's the story of one of the most unique companies to enter the payment processing space and help merchants in the last 10 years 
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The background and lead up to Paymant...  
 We've experienced this industry from your point of view  
 We sold out first product online in 2013 and have been involved with the digital marketing scene ever since. As a merchant and seller for most of our careers, all we cared about was focusing on our businesses, selling more products, and doing more revenue. It's a singular focus that allows things to get built fast and efficiently. Everything to do with payments and the whole world that operates underneath of the business was simply a means to an end. If we could do the revenue, get the payouts, and have things appear to be running smoothly, we had done our job. After opening countless merchant accounts along the way across various entities and businesses of our own, we quickly learned the value of having trusted partners in a space that is often hard to navigate. We looked around for a solution, and after not finding one, decided to build one. 
What do merchants want...  
We speak merchant, not bank
There are plenty of agents and merchant processing brokers to talk to. Our goal is to offer something different. After building hundreds of sales funnels, selling thousands of products, and spending millions of dollars on paid ads, our skill set makes us uniquely qualified to know what you are trying to accomplish and allows us to help you grow. We get it. Banks can be tough to deal with just like any supplier that see's sales decrease. Paymant acts as a liaison between your business and the bank that also understands the root cause of issues that come up. Sometimes all people need is an explanation. You'll never find a more equipped team in the payments space that understands both sides of the equation.  
Gain access to our portfolio of payment processors. and the relationships that have been built over 20+ years. These are some of the most valuable partners that we can offer our clients to help them grow.
Because a good processor isn't the only piece of the puzzle, you'll meet every other partner and top tier solution that can help protect and grow your business from chargeback protection to pre -transaction fraud.
Once all of the required pieces are bolted on, you're ready to scale. The journey from one merchant account to a completely fortified business is where Paymant comes in and shows it's expertise over anyone else.
 What's next from here... 
How we can work together
If Paymant sounds like the team and solution you have been looking for, we encourage you to click the button below and schedule a call with one of our team members. We get to know every prospective client and these exploratory calls are an important part of what we do. 
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1309 Coffeen Ave
STE 11824
Sheridan WY 11824

